• Hair transplant for permanent hair restoration
  • Hair growth treatments / rejuvenation

Treatment & Technologies

  • PRP (platelet rich plasma infusion in the scalp)
  • Kera fiber (keratin hair fibers)
  • Dermaroller

Medication & Care

  • General medication treatments for causes of hair loss
  • Treatments for diseases of the scalp, including biopsies for pathology

Let us answer your Questions..

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We are proud to introduce permanent hair restoration services in Uganda.

Unity Hair loss treatment Center is comprised of a team of health care professionals led by Dermatologists and surgeons.

This team is dedicated to correcting hair loss by using state of the art methods of hair restoration. We are the first in Uganda and the second in Sub Saharan Africa to provide hair transplant.

The most commonly known cause of androgenetic alopecia (or male pattern baldness) is largely heredity and caused by the presence of a male hormone called dihydrotestosterone.

Women can also experience genetic hair loss, in a pattern similar to that of men.

The second most common cause in women is traction alopecia, which is caused by the persistent pulling of hair during salon treatments. Hair is lost from the frontal area going backwards.

Other causes are accident scarring, and autoimmune diseases.

During your first consultation we shall assess you and ascertain the cause of your hair loss.

A procedure called Follicular Hair Restoration has been used successfully to treat pattern baldness with proven results.

FUE is safe, and leaves no scarring. Hair is transplanted one hair at a time from the donor site to the recipient (bald) area.

Hair transplantation is done using the patient’s own hair taking the donor hair from the back of the patient’s head (where it is genetically programmed to grow permanently).

The hair grows in follicular units, which consist of 1-5 hairs in each unit. Mini grafts that are 3-5 hairs each are used to fill in areas with thinning or no hair.

Micro grafts that are 1-2 hairs each are used along the hairline to give the transplantation the most natural look. We use the lasted technique ; FUE( Follicular Unity Extraction) method of hair transplantation, which will be discussed during your consultation.

The actual procedure may take anywhere from 6-10 hours. This time is dependent upon the amount of work to be done, and how well the individual follows pre-op instructions.

We ask that you plan to spend the day with us when you are having a transplant.

Some patients report only a small amount of discomfort associated with a hair transplant. We use a local anesthetic in the area that we will be working.

During the case if you feel any discomfort, we can give you a pain relief medication. Many patients report no pain whatsoever.

That will depend on the extent of your hair loss and the number of grafts. It will take about 4-6 months to see new growth, but takes up to one year to see the final results.

No. Hair in the back of the scalp is abundant and resistant to the effects of dihydrotestosterone. They retain their original properties and growth pattern.

Hair transplantation is the only permanent solution to hair loss. There are many short-term solutions, but they are not permanent.

If your work is not physically strenuous you may return to work 24 hours after the procedure. You should avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, or bending for seven days following your surgery. If your work is physically strenuous, you should plan to take 1 week off.

The day after surgery you will be seen at Unity skin clinic(Hair loss centre Buganda Road) for a post-operative procedure check up. You will need to return at 3 weeks, 5 months and 1 year for additional post-op appointments.

At the time of your consultation, we will assess your unique needs and quote a price to meet your individual objectives.

A member of our staff will be happy to answer basic questions or arrange a private, personalized, consultation with the doctors.

At this appointment, the individual situation will be evaluated and a plan of care can be decided. Please call us on 0778852465

Do you desire more of your own natural hair? Is minimum “down-time” a concern? Is an office procedure performed in a casual environment (while watching TV/movies or listening to your favorite CD) appealing to you? Then yes, this procedure is for you!

In cases where a transplant is not an option for you we still offer the following to restore your hair

  • PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
  • Minoxidil
  • Dermaroller
  • Other medications to treat the cause of hair loss. you can reach us on 0778852465 or email a Nutshell

"A surgical procedure that has only recently found its way to Kampala now makes this possible without one having to travel outside the country."

Matooke Republic

"..and then of course an excerpt from Flair Magazine"

Flair Magazine

Interested? Get in touch..

Use our online Booking system to set up an appointment with our hair-loss restoration specialists.

Appointments are set up on a First Come - First Serve basis.

See you soon at Unity..

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